You may not realize it, but your hands and feet are the first to be noticed. The surprising thing is that even though we take good care of the face, we are not able to take care of these parts which are the most noticed. Our hands often turn black due to strong sunlight.

Our skin produces melanin to protect itself from the harsh rays of the sun and more melanin means darker skin colour. If you want to lighten the colour of your dark hands, then you can try the methods of DrNiranjan P. Samani.

DrNiranjan often keeps giving information about problems related to skin and hair health on Instagram. In one such post, he has given some ways to reduce the colour of dark hands. You must also try them and see.

Do not wet your hands frequently

Frequent hand washing can cause long-term changes in the skin, resulting in chronic skin damage and skin irritations.

Do not use harsh soap

The soap you use to wash your hands also affects your skin. This can leave your hands dry and rough, so choose a moisturizing soap. Ingredients like glycerin and lanolin take care of your hands.

Avoid sun exposure

Melanin is the chemical responsible for the darkening or tanning of the skin. Your skin releases melanin under the surface layers to help absorb UV radiation. The more sun exposure you have, the more melanin your body produces and the darker your skin becomes.

Meet the deficiency of Vitamin B12

Dietary factors can also cause dark knuckles. A 2016 National Institutes of Health study on knuckle pigmentation suggested that pigmentation of the hands/fingers may be caused by a vitamin B-12 deficiency. You can remove this deficiency by including things like poultry, eggs, milk etc. in your diet.

Home remedies to remove blackness of hands

To remove the blackness of hands and fingers, there are two such remedies, which are commonly used. You too must try these 2 tips of curd and lemon to lighten the colour of your hands.

Sugar and Lemon Scrub

Lemon tightens the pores and is also known to improve skin tone. On the other hand, sugar exfoliates the skin thoroughly, removes dead skin cells and cleans the pores.

Ingredients Required-

  • 2 lemon slices or juice
  • 1 tbsp sugar

Method to prepare and apply-

  • There are two ways to prepare the scrub. Scrub your hands for 7-10 minutes by applying sugar to a lemon slice.
  • In another way, prepare a scrub by adding lemon juice to sugar and then scrub your hands with it.
  • After the stipulated time, wash your hands with lukewarm water and then don't forget to apply moisturizing cream.
  • You can apply this scrub on your hands 3-4 times a week.

Apply curd, turmeric and gram flour

It soothes the texture of the skin and also helps in removing tan. Due to the presence of lactic acid in curd, it is also an effective natural bleaching agent, thus helping in lightening the skin. Including turmeric in your skincare routine can even out your skin tone and reduce any dark spots and pigmentation.

Ingredients required-

  • 1 teaspoon curd
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon gram flour

Method to prepare and apply-

  • First of all mix turmeric powder in gram flour. After that add curd to it and mix it well.
  • Apply it on your hands and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • After this, scrub with light hands and wash your hands and clean them.
  • Make sure to moisturize your hands.

Now you too can lighten the colour of your dark hands in this way. Try these methods and don't forget to share your experiences with us.

Image Credit: Freepik


Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.