Everyone loves their hair because beautiful and strong hair not only enhances your beauty but also works to boost your confidence. But nowadays the negative effect of people's unbalanced lifestyle and food is seen a lot in hair. We are facing many problems like hair fall, split ends, and dandruff. To avoid this, you can take the help of Ayurveda. Yes, Bhringraj has been described as a boon for hair in Ayurveda, whose oil contains nutrients like Vitamin-D, Vitamin-E, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Steroids, Polypeptides, and Protein, which provide many benefits to the hair. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you the benefits of Bhringraj oil, and how to make and apply it. Let's know about it...

Increase hair growth
According to Ayurveda, this herb helps in improving the circulation of blood in the scalp, which allows rich nutrients to reach the hair roots through the blood and strengthens the roots as well as helps in hair growth. Some research suggests that extracts of the bhringraj plant may help increase hair growth.

Get rid of dandruff
If you are troubled by dandruff and dryness of hair, then Bhringraj oil is an effective solution. Bhringraj oil is thick and it gets easily penetrated the scalp. To get rid of the dryness of hair, apply Bhringraj oil to the scalp. After this, tie the head with a hot towel for some time. This opens the cuticles of the hair and the sebaceous glands become active rapidly. At the same time, to get rid of dandruff, apply warm Bhringraj oil while sleeping at night. Wash the scalp with shampoo and lemon juice in the morning.

Prevent hair fall
Bhringraj oil can provide relief from the problem of hair fall by providing coolness to the scalp of your hair. This can be a great Ayurvedic method to strengthen the hair from the roots. Massage with this mineral-rich oil can also reduce fatigue and stress. The use of Bhringraj oil also helps a lot in increasing hair growth.

Stop hair graying
It maintains the natural beauty of the hair. Use of this oil does not cause untimely graying of hair. To prevent graying of hair, mix Amla oil with Bhringraj oil and massage it well on the scalp. Leave the oil on the hair overnight. After this wash the hair thoroughly in the morning. Apart from this, to color, the hair, use hair dye prepared from the leaves of Bhringraj. It naturally dyes the hair. It can also be applied by mixing it with indigo and balloon wine.

Maintain scalp health
Bhringraj oil is thick, which makes it easily absorbed by the scalp. Which helps in reducing the problems associated with dry scalp. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation of the hair follicles.

How to make Bhringraj hair oil at home
For this, you will need Bhringraj powder or leaves, coconut oil or mustard oil, and fenugreek seeds. Pour coconut oil or mustard oil into a pan. Now add Bhringraj leaves or powder to it. Cook it until the color of the mixture turns green. Add fenugreek seeds to the mixture. Take it off the flame and let the oil cool down. Filter this oil and keep it in a container.

Use like this
According to the length of the hair, take Bhringraj oil in a bowl and apply it to the roots of the hair with the tips of the fingers. After complete oiling, soak a towel in hot water and squeeze it well. Now wrap this towel well covering the entire hair for about 5-7 minutes. After this, remove the towel, take a little oil in hand, and again massage the hair with light hands.