Retinol is very beneficial for the skin. With its use, the skin remains healthy. Also, there are no wrinkles on the skin. You can use retinol in winter too. The skin also becomes a little dry due to the use of retinol.

Expert Aanchal Pant shares information related to skin and hair on her Instagram. Can retinol be used in winter? Also, how to use retinol on the face. Plus, the benefits of applying retinol on the face.

Which type of retinol to use in winter?

The skin often becomes dry in winter. Due to dryness, the skin starts itching. In such a situation, you should use retinol on the skin. It is necessary to change the products according to the season. You cannot always use the same type of product. Use oil-based retinol in winter.

When to apply retinol on the face?

Each product is used at different times. If you do not apply the right thing on your face at the right time, your skin will not get full benefit. Therefore, you should know when and how to use which product. Retinol can be used during the day. Also, it is not necessary to use retinol every night before going to bed. You can use retinol on your face only 2-3 times a week.

How to apply retinol on the face?

  • To apply retinol, follow the sandwich method.
  • In this, first of all, you have to apply a light moisturizer on the face.
  • Once you have applied moisturizer on the face, wait for about 15-20 minutes.
  • After this apply retinol on the face.
  • Finally, apply moisturizer again on the face.
  • Applying retinol on the face like this will reduce dryness and flakiness.

When you're not using retinol, you should apply a ceramide moisturizer to your face. Its use will repair the skin barrier. Additionally, the irritation caused by retinol will also be reduced.

Benefits of applying retinol on the face

  • Retinol can be used to control oil production on the face. It easily absorbs the oil present in the skin.
  • If your face is starting to look old at an early age, then you should include retinol in your skincare routine.
  • Due to a lack of melanin, dark spots start appearing on the face. You can use retinol to reduce the problem of blemishes.
  • Apart from scrubs and exfoliants, you can apply retinol on the face to remove dead skin from the face.

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