Best Time of Day to Exercise: If we talk about exercise, then some people like to exercise in the morning and some people like to exercise in the evening. But you should exercise at a time when it has the most effective and your body gets the most out of your hard work.

Best time of day to exercise: We all are aware of the benefits of exercise. Exercise keeps a person fit both physically and mentally. Most people do not have enough time to exercise and hence they exercise at their convenience. It seems that some people like to exercise in the morning. At the same time, some people exercise at night when they get time.

However, if you are a learner, it must have crossed your mind at what point exercise affect the body or if you get the best results from exercising twice. So, in this article today, we are telling you about some advantages and disadvantages of exercising in the morning and evening. So that you can know when exercising will be beneficial for you.

Exercising in the morning has many unique benefits for the body. For example-

  • When you exercise in the morning, it helps you maintain a good fitness routine. Since the body is not tired in the morning, one can exercise better.
  • Morning exercise improves your sleep cycle. In the beginning, you may find it difficult to wake up early. But then at a certain point, the person himself begins to wake up. Due to which the night's sleep is also good. According to some studies, morning exercise promotes deeper sleep than evening exercise.
  • When you exercise in the morning, your stomach is empty and during this time it helps you to burn more fat. This happens because when you exercise on an empty stomach, you use the fat already present in your body for energy.
  • This practice makes you more productive. Research shows that exercising in the morning has a positive effect on a person's energy level, alertness, ability to concentrate, and decision-making.
  • If you haven't had a proper meal at night or are exercising in the morning on an empty stomach, you may have to deal with extreme hunger during exercise. This is not good for your body. In this case, you can have a proper dinner at night and eat a banana or some almonds before your morning workout.
  • One has to get up very early to do morning exercise. This is the reason why it can sometimes disturb your deep sleep in the morning. That's why some people feel bad for a while after waking up or experience chronic fatigue.
  • Warming up before a workout is essential. But it seems that morning exercise doesn't warm up properly and takes longer because of the lower body temperature. In such a situation, if a person starts exercising immediately, then the risk of injury also increases significantly.

Benefits of exercising in the afternoon

  • Good news for those who don't wake up early but can exercise in the afternoon! Exercising in the afternoon can help you live a healthier and longer life than exercising in the morning or at night, says a new study.
  • Research has shown that people who exercise in the afternoon have a lower risk of heart attack and premature death than those who exercise in the evening and morning.

Benefits of exercising in the evening

  • There are many benefits of evening exercise. For example-
  • Such people do not have to worry about going to work, due to which they can give enough time to their exercise.
  • For those who have an evening exercise routine, it helps to wind down from a hard day.
  • People who exercise in the evening are helped to build more muscles.
  • Exercising in the evening gradually improves your body's metabolism.
  • Due to fatigue after exercise, there is no problem of laziness while going to work.

Difficulty exercising in the evening

People who exercise in the evening are not consistent with their exercise. Sometimes they have to go out in the evening, sometimes they get dizzy with other work and they disturb their daily routine. Aerobic exercise at night can disturb your sleep. That is why morning is considered the best time to do aerobics or cardio.