The craze of drinking lemon water is going on very fast these days. Everyone is making lemon water a part of their daily routine. Doing this is also quite beneficial because it provides many benefits to health. Experts also recommend drinking lemon water. Often people who want to lose weight drink lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning. This detoxifies the body, maintains freshness and also keeps you hydrated. At the same time, some people often drink lemon water after eating food.

Now the question is whether doing this is beneficial for health. Some people have a question what is the best time to drink lemon water? Dietician Loveleen Kaur is answering all these questions. The dietician has shared information related to this on her Instagram account.

If you drink lemon water at this time, you will get the full benefit

Experts say that it is good to drink lemon water in the morning for body detox and energy, but for digestion and nutrition, it is considered best to drink lemon water 30 minutes after eating food. This is because it helps in releasing digestive enzymes. It removes problems like indigestion and constipation, which makes it easier to pass stool in the morning. Apart from this, drinking lemon water after meals helps in absorbing the vitamin C present in the food and micronutrients like iron increase iron with the help of these hacks. If you are suffering from anemia then you can drink lemon water at this time. This can improve the level of hemoglobin in the body.

What are the benefits of drinking lemon water?

  • Immunity is boosted
  • The body gets detoxified.
  • The heart remains healthy.
  • Skin problems go away.
  • The pH balance of the body is maintained

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