We often get the AC checked for any kind of fault and forget to check the compressor. This is the reason why many people's AC does not give good air even after service. Explain that it is very important for the AC compressor to be installed at the right place and properly. Let us know in detail about the compressor.

Where Should I Place AC Compressor

Some people put the outdoor unit of AC on the terrace, while some on the balcony. If you are wondering which of these two places is the best for the compressor, then let us tell you that you can install the compressor anywhere? You just have to keep in mind that the hot air coming out of it does not come back into the house.

What is needed for the AC compressor?

Correct airflow is most important for the AC compressor. If the air coming out of the compressor does not get proper space, then neither your house can be cold as well as the AC can also be damaged.

Where to put the compressor if the balcony is small?

If the balcony of your house is small, then put the compressor on the roof. Many people have a small house. In such a situation, when the AC compressor is installed on the balcony, the hot air coming out of it comes back to the house. In this case, installing a compressor on the roof is a safe option.

Learn the Right Way to Install an AC Compressor

Apart from all these tips, it is also necessary to install the AC compressor properly. For example, if you are mounting the compressor on the wall, try to leave space between the wall and the AC. If this does not happen, the compressor does not get air and it gets spoiled quickly.

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