The tradition of using rice water in hair is very old. Firstly, Chinese women used rice water for long hair. Gradually people all over the world started using rice water for hair care.

Make hair strong

If the hair is not strong then due to this the hair starts breaking easily. That's why the hair must be strong. You can use rice water for strong hair. Our hair needs protein. Protein is found in rice water, which makes hair strong. Amino acid is found in it, which makes the roots strong.

Smooth hair

Due to the lack of moisture in the hair, the hair starts becoming frizzy. Will you be using hair serum or conditioner for frizzy hair? This time you should try using rice water. Starch works to make hair frizz-free.

Hair can be long

What do you do for long hair? Using shampoo and oil? This time you should use rice water in your hair. Vitamin E is found in rice water, which helps in hair growth. Not only this, if you have thin hair, the magnesium found in rice water makes hair thick.

Hair will be shiny

Due to pollution and wrong hair care products, the shine of the hair is snatched away. Rice water is beneficial for your hair to always be shiny. If you regularly wash your hair with starch, then your hair will become shiny.

Plain or Fermented Rice

  • The pH level of plain rice water is high.
  • Fermented rice increases the levels of vitamins and minerals, which nourish hair follicles.
  • Fermented rice contains a substance called Pitera, which is rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino and organic acids.
  • Pietra works for cell regeneration, which keeps your hair healthy.

How to make rice water?

  • First of all, wash the rice thoroughly with water, so that there is no dust or any residue left.
  • Add water to the rice and mix it well and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Now filter the rice water and put it in a jar.
  • Keep this jar at room temperature for at least a day.
  • When the rice water starts smelling sour, keep the jar in the fridge.

How to use rice water like this?

  • First, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.
  • Dry the hair with the help of a towel.
  • Now wash your hair with rice water.
  • Massage the scalp of the hair for some time.
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap or foil.
  • After 20 minutes wash the hair with lukewarm water.

Image Credit: Freepik