Every morning a new day begins with the rays of the sun. A new day brings with it new hopes and new opportunities. Sunlight is also very good for health. Plants make their food and develop themselves in the light of the sun. We all know that we get Vitamin D from sunlight. But apart from this, if we take sunlight for 30 minutes in the morning, and sunbathe, then our body can get many benefits from it. Morning sunlight is very good for our physical and mental health. Celebrity nutritionist MunmunGaneriwal has given information about this from her Instagram account. She has told us why it is necessary to take sunlight for 30 minutes in the morning and what its benefits are. Let's know-

These hormonal changes are caused by sunlight

Many hormones are found in our bodies. For our body to function smoothly, the hormonal balance must be maintained in the body. Too little or too much of any hormone in the body can create problems for us. Sunlight also plays an important role in hormonal balance. If we take sunlight for 30 minutes every morning, then it reduces the cortisol hormone in our body and increases the melatonin hormone. It helps to sleep well at night and also improves mood.

What is the cortisol hormone?

The cortisol hormone is also called the stress hormone. It is very important to have it in balance in the body. The adrenal glands in our body produce this hormone. Its increase can cause many problems in the body. It controls our mood to a great extent. Apart from this, it also has an important role in controlling blood pressure, and metabolism.

Its production is more in our body in the morning. In such a situation, it is reduced by taking sunlight in the morning.

What is melatonin hormone?

Melatonin hormone affects the quality of our sleep. According to experts, if we sit in the sunlight for half an hour every morning, it increases the level of melatonin in our body. It helps in getting better sleep.

Image Credit- Freepik


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