From time to time we tell you about such yogasanas which not only keep you fit but also protect you from many diseases. Apart from this, doing these helps you to overcome the problems related to skin and hair.

Today we are telling you about one such yoga which can solve many of your problems. We are talking about Gomukhasana. It is also known as Cow Face Pose. Yoga Master, Philanthropist, Religious Guru and Lifestyle Coach Himalayan Siddha Akshar Ji are telling us about this.

Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose

A Sanskrit word, Gomukhasana translates to the pose of a cow's face (go-cow, mukha-chehra, asana-mudra). Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) stretches our entire body, shoulders and arms, ankles, hips, thighs and back. In the asana, the folded legs are said to resemble the mouth of a cow. The elbow forms the shape of the cow's ears.

This is an asana which makes us aware of the symmetry of our body. Notice the difference in how it feels right to left and left to right when we cross one knee over the other. Similarly, hand position will tell immediately if one shoulder is tighter than the other.

Gomukhasana can be performed with a set of different seated asanas. It helps in stretching the arms, triceps, shoulders and chest. The practitioner is required to sit straight.

Use props to make this asana more accessible. If the shoulders are tight and it is difficult to interlace the fingers behind the back in Gomukhasana, use a strap. One can sit on a block or blanket to give the feet more room to move into the asana.

How to do Gomukhasana? Steps

  • Sit on the yoga mat with your back straight and legs stretched out in front.
  • Keep the feet together and place the palms next to the hips.
  • Bend the right leg and place it under the left buttock.
  • Place the left knee over the right knee.
  • Raise the left arm above the head and bend the elbow.
  • At the same time, bring the right hand behind the back and interlock both hands.
  • Take deep Ujjayi breaths and stay as long as you are comfortable.
  • Now as you exhale, release the arms.
  • Open the legs and repeat for the other leg.

Benefits of Gomukhasana

  • Cures sciatica.
  • Helps with high blood pressure.
  • Reproductive organs are toned and massaged with regular practice.
  • Relieves stiffness of the shoulders.
  • Elongates the spine.
  • Beneficial for people with bad posture.
  • Decreases stress and anxiety.
  • Makes the back muscles strong.
  • Stimulates the kidney.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the ankles, hips, thighs, shoulders, triceps, inner armpits and chest.


  • Shoulder pain or injury: If there is excessive pain in the shoulder, do not do Gomukhasana. If there is not much pain in the shoulder, then do this asana only under the supervision of a trained yoga teacher.
  • Pain in any major part of the body: It is advised not to do the asana if there is severe pain due to stretching in any part of the body while doing the asana.
  • Soft tissue injury in the foot: Soft tissue injury refers to damage to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It usually results from a strain or sprain.
  • Pain in the muscles of the thighs.
  • bloody piles
  • spondylitis

Performing Gomukhasana in the above problems can increase the problem. Therefore, it is important not to wallow in these problems.

You can also get all these benefits by doing this yoga.

Image Credit: Freepik


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