It is necessary to take extra care of your health during winters as this season brings with it flu, viral and a host of other diseases. For good health, it is always recommended to include foods that are warm and nutritious in your winter diet.

In addition, it may also contain several herbs and spices that will help promote overall health. Many experts advise you to eat garlic daily.

One of the most common food ingredients in every kitchen, garlic is known for its rich aroma and strong flavour that helps to spice up any dish in an instant. From adding it to tempering to using it as a garnishing element – ​​you can use it in several ways in your daily cooking needs.

Garlic is rich in vitamins, minerals, calcium and iron. It is considered a powerhouse of immunity-boosting nutrients such as arginine, oligosaccharides, selenium and flavonoids. In addition, it is loaded with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties that make it great for your health.

Today we are telling you about some such benefits, due to which you must eat garlic in winter.

Weight loss aid

Losing weight during winter can be a task. Here, a clove of garlic can help you to make things easier for you. Garlic is a storehouse of antioxidants that help you detox and promote a healthy metabolism.

These factors further help you lose weight. Health experts recommend eating raw garlic and honey in the morning to promote weight loss. By trying this recipe continuously for a few days, you will see the results in no time.

Garlic is highly nutritious but contains very few calories. It is rich in Vitamin-C, Vitamin B6 and Manganese.

Helpful in boosting the immune system

Garlic is rich in antioxidants and sulfur-containing compounds that help boost your immune system. Consuming garlic daily will help you fight the virus and boost your immune system.

You can consume garlic in many ways, it is not necessary to eat it raw.

Healthy heart

If you are a patient with heart disease then garlic can prove beneficial for you. Dieticians suggest that consuming garlic daily can prevent heart and cardiovascular diseases like stroke, heart attack, etc.

If you want to stay healthy and improve your cholesterol level, blood pressure and blood sugar level then do not forget to eat garlic daily.

Prevents cold and cough

Garlic has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, which protect you from problems like colds and coughs and help you, stay healthy and fit. Known as the magical ingredient, garlic undoubtedly gives you relief from seasonal health problems.

If you are a victim of frequent cough and cold, then you must include garlic in your diet.

Most researchers believe that allicin, the active sulfur-containing compound in garlic, is responsible for its anti-common cold effects. In addition, garlic can boost the function of the immune system.

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