Orange is a superfood, eating which provides many health benefits. Whether you want to boost immunity or lose weight, nothing can be better than orange. It does not contain calories. It is also known to reduce blood pressure. But despite having so many benefits, orange can prove to be harmful for some people. Let us know in which health conditions the consumption of oranges should be avoided. Health expert Dr Tariq Azad is giving information about this.

Who should avoid oranges?

  • If you have an acidity problem then you should avoid consuming orange. Because the nature of orange is acidic.
  • It contains citric acid. Consuming it can increase the amount of acid in the stomach. The acid present in it triggers the symptoms of acid reflux.
  • This increases the problem of heartburn. The fibre present in it can cause problems like diarrhoea.

  • Those who already have the problem of kidney stones should also avoid consuming oranges. Oranges contain Vitamin C and Vitamin C increases the absorption of calcium. Due to this, it also increases oxalate in the body, due to which there can be a risk of kidney stone formation.
  • At the same time, people who suffer from cold and cough should not consume orange because it has a cooling nature, which can increase cold and cough.
  • People who have a toothache. Those with weak teeth should also not consume oranges. The acid present in oranges, combined with the calcium present in tooth enamel, can create a risk of bacterial infection. This can damage your teeth even further. Sensitivity increases.

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