Drinking water from an earthen pot or jug is generally considered good. According to Ayurveda also it has many health benefits. Most people drink water from earthen pots in summer. If you do this too, then there is good news for you. During the scorching summer months, our body needs more water than usual to stay hydrated and beat the heat of the sun. But, by drinking water kept in the refrigerator, the temperature of the water falls a lot which harms our body temperature in this summer as compared to the sun. Drinking water kept in the refrigerator also causes many types of damage to health.

Harmful health effects of drinking refrigerator water:
-Decreased heart rate
-Fat storage
-Exposure to Microorganisms

At a time when refrigerators were not widely used, surhi came in handy. Water was stored in these earthen pots and it helped in cooling the water naturally. It is an age-old practice that is now being adopted again in a big way by people, which is a healthy alternative to one's health. Here are some reasons why you should drink Surahi water in summer.

Benefits of drinking Surhi water:
Natural cooling properties

Storing water in a jug or an earthen pot helps in cooling the water naturally. There are small breathing holes on the surface of a surhi and water evaporates quickly through these holes. The evaporation process ensures that the heat of the water inside the vessel is lost, thereby reducing the temperature of the water and keeping the water cool.

Good for throat
Drinking cold water straight from the fridge can cause itching and sore throat. Whereas, the water in an earthen pot has an ideal temperature that is extremely gentle to the throat. Also, it does not aggravate one's chronic cough or cold. Surhi water is very beneficial for asthma patients and people who face shortness of breath during weather changes.

Natural purifier
Surahi is not only useful for cooling water but also useful for purifying water naturally. This porous microstructure filters out the contaminants present in the water and makes it comparatively safe to drink.

Prevents Sunstroke and Dehydration
Heat stroke is a common problem during the unbearable hot summer months. Drinking water from an earthen pot helps in fighting heatstroke as the earthen pot retains the rich minerals and nutrients in the water. Also, it helps in rehydration fast and effectively.

Boosts metabolism
Water stored in plastic bottles contains toxic chemicals like Bisphenol A or BPA when we drink it. It damages the body in many ways. It is said that it brings down the level of testosterone in your body. On the other hand, drinking surhi water balances testosterone levels and even improves your body's metabolism.

Alkaline in nature
The human body is acidic, whereas the soil is alkaline. Water from these alkaline utensils when consumed reacts with the acidic nature of our body and helps in creating proper pH balance. This is the reason why Surhi water helps in keeping acidity and stomach problems at bay.

No harmful chemicals
Most plastic bottles are only meant for a certain number of uses because they contain toxic chemicals like BPA. Storing water in earthen pots or matkas not only enriches the water but also ensures that it does not get contaminated. Hence, surhi water does not contain any harmful chemicals that can ruin your body.

Soil is a natural treasure house of nutrients and minerals. There are many benefits to your health by its use. This is the reason that even today people drink water in earthen pots or jugs. In such a situation, if you have not brought a jug till now, then buy a jug today and drink water by storing water in it and get health benefits. Store in water in Surahi at least 4 hours before then only the temperature of the water will be right.

(PC: Freepik)