The problem of PCOS is increasing day by day and many women fall prey to it due to stress, increasing responsibilities and unhealthy lifestyles. In this, cysts start forming in the ovary. If PCOS is not treated on time, the risk of problems like menstrual disorders, obesity, infertility, unwanted hair growth, rapid hair loss and diabetes can increase.

What is PCOS?

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is the most common endocrine disorder affecting women of reproductive age. In this, the male hormone androgen is produced in excess in the body, which leads to hormonal imbalance. Due to this, women can have problems like heavy bleeding, mood swings and hot flashes during periods. But you need not worry because, with the help of Ayurvedic herbs, you can help in managing PCOS.

Today we are telling you about one such herb Shatavari, which can help you manage PCOS. It is one of the oldest herbs and is especially beneficial for women. In Ayurveda, asparagus is considered a friend of women.

Shatavari is considered helpful in menstrual disorders. This herb regulates hormonal imbalance. That's why Shatavari is used in the treatment of problems caused by PCOS. Nutritionist Lavneet Batra has shared information about how effective asparagus is in PCOS through Instagram.

Expert opinion

Lavneet Batra says, “Shatavari is considered a reproductive tonic for women. It contains more than 50 organic compounds, including steroidal saponins, glycosides, alkaloids, polysaccharides, mucilages, and isoflavones. All these bioactive elements improve reproductive health.

This Ayurvedic herb helps in balancing hormones and maintaining the ovarian plexus. This prevents new cysts from forming and can also reduce other complications related to the disease. Also, it helps in maintaining the period flow.

Benefits of Shatavari in PCOS

  • It helps in managing heavy menstrual bleeding and uterine bleeding.
  • Due to this, periods occur at the right time and it normalizes the blood flow.
  • Due to its antioxidant abilities, it improves reproductive problems caused by stress.
  • Improves ovarian physiology.
  • Increases estrogen level.
  • Increases ovulation.

Image Credit: Freepik


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