Fig is a fruit that is not only eaten fresh from the tree but is also eaten dried. Ajir is a type of sweet and juicy delicious fruit. According to experts, the fig is a very nutritious fruit that contains essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, E, K, B6, iron, potassium, magnesium, and manganese in abundance.

Figs contain nutrients like potassium and magnesium which are beneficial for heart health. Potassium helps control blood pressure and magnesium keeps the heart muscles healthy.

Figs have a high amount of fiber. Fiber keeps the digestion process healthy and prevents constipation. By eating figs the stool becomes soft and passes easily.

Figs have a low glycemic index. This means that eating figs does not increase the sugar level in the blood rapidly. Therefore, fig is a good fruit for diabetic patients.

Figs have a high amount of fiber. Fiber reduces appetite and helps in weight loss.

Figs contain a high amount of iron. Iron helps in the production of red blood cells. Therefore, figs are a good option for anemia patients.

Figs have antioxidant properties that help protect against cancer. Eating figs prevents damage to cells.

(PC: Freepik)