When you join a government scheme, you are given the benefits available under that scheme. For example, in some schemes, there is a provision to provide financial assistance, in some schemes subsidy, or in some schemes some goods are given, etc. In this context, if we talk about Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana-Mukhyamantri Yojana, then the benefit of free treatment is given under this scheme. For those who join the scheme, their Ayushman cards are made and then they can avail of these benefits. So can you also join this scheme? Actually, for this, you have to check your eligibility. So let us know who can get Ayushman card made and who cannot. You can know about this in the next slides...

How can an Ayushman card be made?
To get an Ayushman card made, the applicant has to first go to his CSC center.
By going here both your documents and eligibility are checked.
After the investigation is found correct, the application is made.

These people cannot get Ayushman card made:-
If you work in an organized sector
If your PF gets cut
If you are a member of ESIC
If you are a taxpayer
If you have a permanent house and a car
If you are a government employee etc.

These are the eligible people:-
Who can get free treatment up to Rs 5 lakh by making Ayushman card? There is an eligibility list for this, according to which...
People who work as daily wage laborers
People who live in rural areas
People who are destitute or tribal
People who come from Scheduled Castes or Tribes
Those who work in the unorganized sector
People who have a disabled person in their family etc. are eligible.'