To live a healthy life, it is necessary to take a healthy diet, but the trend of eating oily and sweet food is very high in India, which is responsible for increasing weight rapidly. Once there is weight gain, there is a risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack, and diabetes. India's famous nutrition expert Nikhil Vats told that we should exclude some things from our daily diet, otherwise fat will come out around the stomach and waist.

While going to the office or college in cities and returning, we eat roadside junk food to satisfy our hunger, in which refined oil is used, which is heated again and again. Due to this, obesity and cholesterol increase rapidly.

Some people have the habit of drinking tea or coffee as soon as they wake up in the morning, but it is considered a big mistake in terms of health because the amount of sugar in these beverages is high. Also, some people drink coffee with cream, in which case weight gain is bound to happen.

White bread is used a lot in our run-of-the-mill life because it can easily be eaten with butter or jam, but the amount of refined carbs in white bread is very high, which is responsible for weight gain. To avoid this, eat roti made of whole-grain flour.

We should always drink fruit juice after extracting it at home because the preservatives and sugar content are very high in the packaged fruit juices available in the market. When this sugar converts into fat, then our body weight starts increasing.

The amount of trans fat and calories along with sodium in processed meat is very high. Due to this, cholesterol and belly fat increase rapidly, which increases the risk of stroke and heart attack in the future.