The beauty of the face must be spotless and for that proper care of the face is needed, especially for those with oily skin. It is seen that due to pigmentation or dead skin on the face of people with oily skin, dirt starts accumulating on the chin, due to which blackness starts appearing. This blackness of the chin snatches away the beauty of the face. In such a situation, the face looks ugly and your beauty is also affected. However, this is not a problem that has no solution. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about some such measures which will work to remove the blackness of the chin. Let us know about these measures…

# Cinnamon
Prepare a paste by mixing half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a little turmeric and rose water. Now apply that paste on the chin and massage it for two to three minutes and then leave it to dry. After drying, clean the chin thoroughly, do this two to three times a week, due to which the colour of the chin will also start to improve. And there will be no problem with blackheads on the chin.

# Rose water
This will prove to help remove the blackness of your chin. Prepare a mixture by mixing half a cup of rose water, 1 teaspoon of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, all these three things together. Keep this mixture in the fridge and apply it on the whole face twice a day. But do massage for some time by applying it around the mouth. You can use this mixture by storing it in the fridge for 15 days.

# Coffee
If you adopt this home scrub regularly then you will get very good results. To try this, first, mix coffee and honey in the milk. Now scrub the chin slowly with this mixture. After this, clean the skin with normal water.