Every woman desires beautiful skin and for this, she uses many beauty products as well as home remedies. One of the things used in home remedies is baking soda, which is used a lot during cooking in the kitchen. The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties found in it are very beneficial for the skin. There are many beauty secrets hidden in baking soda, which works to enhance the glow and freshness of the skin while balancing the pH level of the skin. We are going to tell you how the beauty of your body can be enhanced by using baking soda. Let's know about them...

Get rid of pimples
Due to oily skin, there are a lot of problems with pimples and acne on the face. To get rid of pimples, you can use baking soda. Take one spoonful of baking soda, mix some water in it, and apply it on the pimple. Leave it for 15 minutes. After that wash with cold water. Pimples will go away by doing this.

Get relief from sunburn
Baking soda is alkaline in nature, which can soothe sunburnt skin and relieve itching. Its antiseptic properties can also cure ulcers caused by sunlight. For this make a paste of baking soda and cold water and apply it to the affected area and then wash it. Apart from this, mix half a cup of baking soda in the bath water and take a bath. Dry the body with a towel and allow the body to air dry.

Maintain the whiteness of teeth
You can use it to remove the yellowness of the teeth. For this, make a paste by adding water to baking soda. Now take the paste in your finger and scrub the teeth lightly. Do this process once a week, this remedy will make a difference in the color of your teeth.

Dark underarm relief
Dead skin cells accumulated in the underarm are the biggest reason for the blackness of this part. To remove it, that part should be scrubbed. For this, make a thick paste by mixing baking soda and water. Now scrub the underarm with this paste, and you will see the difference.

Give pink glow to lips
Like skin, your lips can also appear dark. This happens because of the accumulation of dead cells on the skin. In such a situation, by acting as an exfoliant, baking soda can prove to help clean the lips by removing these dead cells. Keep in mind that only after mixing water with baking soda, use it for the lips.

Enhance the beauty of the feet
We often pay full attention to the care of our body but are negligent in the care of the feet. In such a situation, baking soda can help in taking care of our feet. For this, fill four liters of water in a tub, and add half a cup of baking soda to it. Keep the feet in water for half an hour. Wipe the feet and then apply some moisturizer to the feet. It cleanses the dirt on the feet and makes the skin of the feet soft.

Lighten the skin
You can also use baking soda to lighten the skin tone. Baking soda lightens the skin tone. By applying this, the dead cell of the skin is removed. To get clear and glowing skin, mix one to two teaspoons of baking soda with enough filtered water or rose water. Apply this paste on the face and leave it for a minute. After that scrub the face slowly with your fingers and wash it with lukewarm water. Do this remedy 2-3 times a week.

Get rid of dandruff
Baking soda can also prove to be very helpful in removing dandruff from the hair. To reduce dandruff from hair, take three spoons of soda, and add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to it. After this, apply this paste to your scalp and massage it with a light hand. Wash hair with cold water after 10 minutes of massaging. Use this mixture at least twice a week.