To enhance the complexion of the face, its care is very important. Skin can be taken care of well by trying steps like cleansing, moisturising, scrubbing and toning. But along with this it is also important that what you are using on the skin during this time. In such a situation, raw milk becomes a true companion of your skin. Raw milk exfoliates the skin. Raw milk contains lactic acid which brightens the skin and moisturizes the skin. People can clean their skin with the help of some simple things present in the house along with milk. Today we are going to give you the necessary information related to this which will be useful for you and will help in improving the complexion while cleaning the face.

# Milk and salt
Milk is a very effective natural cleanser. It is beneficial for all skin types. It helps in removing dead skin and also gives a natural glow to the face. For use, mix a pinch of salt in 5 tbsp cold milk. Mix both well. Apply this mixture on the face and neck with the help of a cotton ball. After about 1 to 2 minutes, massage the face with light hands in a circular motion and wash it with water.

#Milk and almonds
This face pack made of almonds and raw milk will remove the problem of spots on your face. People who have wrinkles on their face and skin tanning problem should apply raw milk and an almond face pack. For use, first, take out fresh raw milk in a bowl. Take the quantity of milk according to your use. 4 to 5 spoons of milk is enough for the face and neck. Then put 4 to 5 almonds in the mixer and make powder. When the powder is made, add milk to it and run the mixer again. Mix the mixture well and apply on the face.

# Milk and honey
Milk's natural acidity level and lactic acid content make it a great exfoliation ingredient. Many types of research show that lactic acid removes dead skin cells by encouraging cell turnover. Milk also contains alpha hydroxyl acid which removes dead cells from your skin and provides skin tone. Take 2 spoons of milk for use. Now add 2 spoons of honey to it. Now massage the skin with light hands for 5 minutes. Leave it on the skin for 15 minutes. Later wash with lukewarm water. Regular use of this scrub will make your skin glow and glow.