House cleaning is a very important task. Along with this, the bathroom must also be cleaned properly. Everyone has a window in the bathroom but we do not clean the window properly. In this case, if the bathroom window is made of wood, then it starts getting damaged. In such a situation, it is very important to clean the bathroom window along with the time. Let us know how you can clean the bathroom window in 5 minutes.

Clean wooden frame

If your window also has a wooden frame, then clean it carefully. Sometimes we do not pay attention for years and termites start eating our wooden window. In such a situation, the wooden window starts rotting from the inside. If there is a termite, then its medicine comes, which you have to put in the window. The termite attached to it will come out.

Window rust

In the rainy season, the windows and grills get rusted, which is very difficult to remove. You can remove rust from iron by using sandpaper. Through this, there is a need to rub the place where there is rust. If sandpaper is not available, you can clean your window with the help of lemon and baking soda. Add baking soda to the lemon and rub it on the rusted area.

Dust off with a damp cloth

Smoke accumulates on the bathroom window as well. You should clean it with the help of a damp cloth. Try cleaning the windows once a month. In this case, the window will not be very dirty. Washing again and again is not possible, in this case, you remove the dust with a wet cloth.

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