Barefoot Walking: As a parent, you can raise a smart and confident child by focusing on factors that contribute to brain power and development. Your baby's brain is complex, made up of different functional areas, cells and circuits. As the brain matures, it needs to be built and maintained with a strong nutritional base. Apart from this, there are also some habits, which help in making the mind of children sharp. Walking barefoot gives many benefits to the health of children.

There are 26 bones and 35 joints in the foot, which are connected through ligaments. When small children start walking, their feet are flat. Their feet are padded with fat and are very flexible. According to child psychologist Atchar Venkataraman, your children should be allowed to walk barefoot, as long as they do not see any problem in foot development. They believe that when connected to the earth, there is an increase in red blood cells, which is important for better immunity.

Strong muscles
When children walk barefoot, their leg muscles become strong. Walking barefoot also makes the correct posture of the body. At the time of birth, children's feet are fragile and during development the bones and joints become strong. Walking barefoot gives children a chance to grow muscles. Apart from this, by coming in direct contact with the ground, the brain gets information through nerve endings. This helps them understand how to strike a balance. Wearing slippers makes it difficult for children's brains to get information to make balance.

Improve sensory motor development
We all have seen our little ones exploring things with their feet and hands. There are about 200,000 nerve endings in the sole. Before standing and walking, your toes and feet feel the texture of the sofa, carpet, etc. Keeping babies bare feet allows them to continue with sensory motor development.