The problem of back and back pain has become very common due to a sedentary lifestyle, working bent over a laptop and sitting for hours in the wrong posture. This problem has increased even more while working from home during the pandemic. The muscles become weak due to a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient physical activity. Even reading while sitting on the sofa or in bed at home strains the ligaments of children. Both the back and the neck are part of the spine. There can be many reasons behind the pain in it.

There are very small bones in the spine, which are called vertebrae. It is seven in the neck and 12 in the back, five in the waist. In the lower part, their number becomes nine. The bones form a safe passageway, with the spinal cord underneath. Nerves emerge at every level in this. There is a disc between two bones. All these are supported by muscles and ligaments. Let us know how you can get rid of the problem of back pain.

It is necessary to keep the spine healthy
The bones in the spine grow with age. Calcium and protein are stored in it. Peak bone mass comes by the age of about 25 years, that is, the bones are fully developed. When the height of children is increasing, if they do not get sufficient amount of protein and calcium at that time, then their physical structure becomes weak. Later on, this causes back pain.

Physical laxity is a big reason
In earlier times, people used to do a lot of physical labor in the fields or take care of domestic animals. At the same time, women also had to do a lot of labor in the houses. Due to an exercise lifestyle, the muscles remained strong. Now our lifestyle has changed. Went to work by car or another vehicle, sat all day, came in the evening, and sat watching TV. In this way, physical laxity in routine, as well as sitting posture, determine the weakness of the body. That's why it is very important to have strong muscles. Also, change the way you sit and get up, by which you can get rid of back pain.