Baby Food: Eating an apple is good for your health. We have heard since childhood, 'Eat an apple a day keeps the doctor away'. People who consume apples in their diet daily, avoid many types of problems. Many types of nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron are found in it which takes good care of our heart. Apart from this, eating apple increases immunity. Apple is also very beneficial for small children.

Often small children have the problem of constipation, due to which their stomach is not cleaned properly. Sometimes children also become irritable because of this. In such a situation, it is okay to give apples to children, but the matter gets stuck here, how should children below 6 months eat apples? Because such small children do not have teeth and the apple is hard.

But today we are going to tell you about such a recipe by which your children can consume the nutritious properties of apples. The name of this recipe is Apple Punch. Apple Punch is very easy to make, you can make it quickly and feed it to your child. So let's know the recipe to make it.

Ingredients required to make Apple Punch
Water – three cups
Apple - one
Jaggery as per taste (this is optional)

Apple Punch Recipe
To make apple punch, first, grate the apple.
Then you boil 3 cups of water and put a grated apple in it.
After that, put a little jaggery in it, and leave it like this by putting a lid on it for a while.
When it cools down a bit, filter it with the help of a strainer.
Apple Punch is ready for your baby.
Now give it to your child with the help of a spoon.
You can use the remaining apple in any pudding or sweet dish.
Apple punch is very good for the health of the child and it also cures the stomach-related diseases of the child.