If you are eligible for any scheme, you can benefit by joining that scheme. You just have to apply to that scheme and fulfill some terms and conditions. The Central Government also runs many such schemes, by joining which you can avail benefits. Like- Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana-Chief Minister Scheme. This is a health scheme, under which beneficiaries are provided free treatment facilities. In this, the beneficiary can get free treatment up to Rs 5 lakh, the entire expense of which is borne by the government. In such a situation, if you also want to benefit by joining this scheme, then you need to be eligible. So let us know who can join this scheme and who cannot. You can know about this in detail further…

Ayushman cards cannot be made for these people
If we talk about those people who are considered ineligible for this scheme. So the people involved in this are...
Those who work in the organized sector
Who avail the benefits of ESIC
People who pay taxes
People who are financially well-off
People who are government employees or someone in the family works in a government job
Whose PF gets cut etc.

Ayushman cards can be made for these people
It is mandatory for the person applying for an Ayushman Card to be 18 years or older. In such a situation, the people who can apply for Ayushman Card are...
People who live in rural areas
People who are destitute or tribal
People who come from Scheduled Castes or Tribes
People who work as daily wage laborers
Those who work in the unorganized sector
Who has a disabled person in his family
Who falls below the poverty line etc.

How can Ayushman's card be made offline?
If you are eligible, then to get an Ayushman card made offline, you have to go to your nearest CSC center.
After going there you have to meet the concerned officer and get your documents verified.
Then your eligibility is also checked
After everything is found correct, your application is submitted.