My stomach bloats more in summer and I hope this happens to many of us. This problem occurs due to irritation in the digestive system. These days, carelessness in eating and drinking causes bloating, abdominal pain and gas.

Ayurvedic expert DrVara Lakshmi keeps sharing health-related tips and information through Instagram. What is bloating and how can one get relief from this problem, she explains through her posts.

If you are also suffering more from abdominal pain, gas and bloating these days, then read this article completely.

What is the reason for bloating?

The most common cause of abdominal pain and bloating is excessive intestinal gas. If your stomach is bloated after eating, it could be a digestive problem. It can also happen due to frequent eating or intolerance to certain foods.

Bloating is caused by a weak digestive fire and vitiation of similar vata. Stale, processed foods, raw, undercooked etc. are some of the factors that cause bloating and gas problems.

How to reduce the problem of bloating?

If you are troubled by bloating, then eat such ingredients kept in the kitchen, which can give relief from it-

Take celery

Add a pinch of ajwain powder to your food. Ajwain balances Vata and its anti-spasmodic properties help in relieving abdominal pain and bloating.

You can also drink ajwain water on an empty stomach in the morning. This will also reduce the problem of flatulence throughout the day.

Eat hot food

Avoid eating cold food or salad. The intestine is sensitive to excessive heat and consuming cold foods causes a shock to the whole body, which increases digestive sensitivity and you are unable to digest food. This is the reason why you should always eat hot and well-cooked food.

Drink fennel water

The compound anethole found in fennel seeds has anti-spasmodic properties. Anethole may help reduce bloating, gas and other digestive discomforts. Drinking fennel water can help reduce bloating and gas, which is a common symptoms of constipation and indigestion.

Chew food

Do you also have the habit of eating fast? This problem also arises due to early eating. When you chew your food, it helps break down large particles into smaller pieces. It helps in reducing the stress on the oesophagus and thus helps the stomach to metabolize your food. While eating your food, chew it well so that it becomes easy to digest.

Don't take the stress

In some people, stress slows digestion, causing bloating, pain, and constipation, while in others it speeds it up, causing diarrhoea and frequent urination. Don't let stress get to your stomach. Keep your mind calm, because it also directly affects your gut health. Take a long breath before eating and then eat.

Now to get relief from the problem of bloating, you too must try these home remedies. Take care of your food and drink and if this problem occurs again and again, do consult a doctor.

Image Credit: Freepik


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