At this time, the heat in the country has increased a lot. Due to the effect of El Niño and global warming, this year's heat is much more than in the past several years. In many cities of India, the mercury has crossed 50 degrees Celsius. Due to this, many people are falling prey to serious diseases like heatstroke. Due to heatstroke, many people have lost their lives in the country so far. Due to this, people are being advised to stay indoors for as long as possible. The heat is so severe that in many houses, there is no relief even after running fans and coolers. In such a situation, many people are getting AC installed in their homes. To get relief from the heat, AC is being used for a long time in many houses. However, using AC continuously for a long time is dangerous. Doing this increases the chances of AC blast.

For this reason, many people often have a question that for how long can AC be used continuously? If you also want to know about this, then today we are going to tell you about this.

No limit has been set for the use of AC. If we believe the experts, then you can use AC continuously for 10 to 12 hours.

If you are using AC continuously for 10 to 12 hours, then it should be turned off. If you use AC for more than this, then the chances of AC getting damaged increases and the electricity bill also increases.

Apart from this, you can turn it off for a few hours while using AC. By doing this, the compressor of the AC will get rest. This will increase the lifespan of the AC.