Google Play Store is the most preferred and official app store for Android users to download apps. To download any game or app, we open Play Store only. However, sometimes users face problems in downloading apps. These problems can be frustrating, but fear not! If you are also facing a similar problem then this report is for you. In this report, we will tell about five common problems and their solutions for apps not downloading. Let us know.

Lack of storage
This is one of the most common and biggest problems because you have to download the app and you also do not want to delete the data. However, in such a situation, you can delete unnecessary apps, photos, videos, or any large-size files and install a new app. If your device supports a memory card, you can transfer some data to a microSD card.

Network connection problem
A slow or unstable internet connection may interfere with app downloads. So make sure you have a stable Wi-Fi or cellular data connection. If using Wi-Fi, try resetting your router, or if using mobile data, make sure you have enough signal strength. Only then will you be able to download the app.

Google Play Store Cache and Data
Cache and data stored in Play Store apps can cause problems. For this, you have to go to the app from Settings. From here go to Google Play Store then Storage and then clear the cache and data. This often resolves download issues.

Disabled or outdated Play Store app
Old and disabled versions of the Play Store may prevent app downloads. First of all, update Google Play Store to the latest version. To enable or re-enable it, go to Settings > Apps > Google Play Store and enable it if it's disabled.

Account related problem
Sometimes there may be difficulty in downloading the app due to problems related to your Google account. Sign out of your Google Account and sign in again. If this doesn't work, you may need to delete and re-add your Google account to your device.

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