Kolkata is in the grip of a serious infectious disease these days. According to media reports, two deaths due to adenovirus infection have been recorded here in the last week. A senior health official said on Sunday that a child died of the infection on Friday night, while another child died of the infection a week ago. The official said the child who died recently was admitted to the hospital for other ailments, but during treatment, he got infected with adenovirus. Health experts say several other children are currently being treated for adenovirus infection at Park Circus Hospital in Kolkata.

Health experts have advised all people to remain cautious regarding this infectious disease being reported in Kolkata. Let us know what this adenovirus is and what can be done to prevent it.

Adenovirus and the problems caused by it
Adenovirus is a common virus that causes problems like the cold or flu. Researchers have identified about 50 types of adenoviruses that can infect humans. Adenovirus infection can occur throughout the year, but more cases are seen in winter and early spring.

Health experts say, although adenovirus can affect people of all ages, its cases are most commonly seen in children below 5 years of age. Infants and children put anything in their mouth and they also have more problems with hand hygiene, due to which the risk of infectious diseases increases.

Severe cases of adenovirus infection
Health experts say people who have a weak immune system are more likely to become seriously ill due to adenovirus infection. People who have had organ transplants, are victims of cancer or HIV/AIDS, or have chronic diseases such as heart-respiratory disease or diabetes are also at risk for serious illness. The virus can affect the body in many ways, so it is important to pay serious attention to its symptoms.

Symptoms of adenovirus infection
Researchers explain the symptoms of adenovirus infection depend on which part of your body the virus infects. In most cases, the virus infects the respiratory system. This may cause symptoms like common cold or flu. Infected people may have a cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis (pharyngitis), ear infection, and pneumonia.

Adenovirus can also affect your gastrointestinal tract causing stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. In some cases, adenovirus can also affect your bladder or nervous system.

How to avoid adenovirus infection?
Children often recover from the illness on their own within a few days. However, some symptoms of infection, such as eye infection or pneumonia, may last for a week or more. Children with weakened immune systems may need hospital treatment.

Health experts say it is important to keep protecting against infection. Try to keep your child away from anyone who already has an adenovirus infection. Taking care of hand hygiene and washing children's hands can be a way to keep children safe from infection. Apart from this, attention should be paid to those measures which help in increasing the immunity of the body.

(PC: istock)