The smart phone has become such an important part of our life today that it is difficult to imagine life without it. Generally, everyone in the whole world is addicted to it but the biggest negative part is that children get addicted to it. Today even a year old child likes to eat food by watching videos on the phone. Children above the age of 2 years have now become accustomed to watching reels ie short videos coming on YouTube, Insta and Facebook.

It is having a bad effect on many organs from the eyes to the brain of children. Through these methods or activities, you can reduce your child's habit of watching reels to a great extent.

Use of smart tv
According to the report published in PubMed, the bad effect of smart also falls on the sleep system of children. This research was done on children 5 to 8 years of age, in which most of them have the problem of sleeplessness. If the child is to be saved from watching reels, then it is necessary to think like him. If you have a smart TV in your home, then make the child watch videos or other smart activities on it as much as possible.

Painting is best
There is quality in a colour that attracts both adults and children. Simply put, it is considered to be the favourite work of most children. Whenever the child insists on watching the reels, offer him the task of painting them with colours. The child will start doing this activity in one go. This will also develop his skills.

Favorite food cooking
If the child is above 4 years and you are troubled by his smartphone addiction, then you should take the help of cooking in this. To amuse the child, make a plan for cooking his favourite food. The child will not reject your offer but will also support you in this activity. Repeat this activity at least 2 times a week.