Working sitting in one place all day long, wrong eating habits and many other such reasons can be the reason due to which the problem of acidity occurs. People often ignore stomach-related problems, but this is wrong. If digestion is not proper, many other diseases can trouble you. In such a situation, you should pay special attention to improving digestion. Wrong eating habits and irregular lifestyles are the main reasons behind indigestion. Acidity can occur if the stomach is not cleaned properly or eating too much-fried food.

To avoid this, some special things should be included in the diet. At the same time, it is also advised to avoid some things. Here we are telling you about some such foods which people suffering from acidity should not eat. Dietician Neha Mahajan is giving information about this. Neha is a certified dietitian and founder of Health and Wellness.

Do not eat raw onion in case of acidity

People often eat raw onion as salad, of course, it has many benefits, but it can also have some disadvantages. People who suffer from acidity should not eat it. It also contains more glucose and fructose. It can also increase the sugar level.

Do not drink tea or coffee during acidity

In case of acidity, tea and coffee should be consumed in limit. Especially, one should not drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Actually, by drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach, first of all, the bacteria in the mouth break down the sugar, due to which the level of acid in the mouth increases.

Do not drink milk if you have acidity

However, in many cases, it is advisable to drink cold milk in case of acidity and stomach irritation, but it is not beneficial for everyone. Milk contains fat and protein which can increase the symptoms of acidity by increasing the stomach acid. According to experts, in case of acidity, one should avoid drinking dairy products, especially milk.

Do not eat these things if you have acidity

Gram, kidney beans, mushrooms, gram flour, eggs and pulses can further increase the problem of acidity. These are difficult to digest and in such a situation they can cause high acidity.

Do not eat bakery items in case of acidity

In case of acidity, one should not eat things made from flour. Bakery items, naan, kulcha and things made from refined flour are not good for digestion. Foods made from flour take time to break down in the stomach and can spoil digestion.

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