What is the fastest way to cure acidity: Gas, burning sensation and acidity in the stomach have become quite common today. Stomach-related problems are more common due to wrong eating habits and lifestyle. If you are troubled by stomach aches, heaviness, bloating and acidity, then staying on an empty stomach for a long time, long gaps between meals, eating fried, spicy food and consuming too much caffeine can be the cause of acidity. This should not be ignored. Many home remedies can help reduce this problem. Dietitian Manpreet is giving information about this. Manpreet has done a Masters in Nutrition from Delhi University. She is a hormone and gut health coach.

Eat soaked raisins on an empty stomach in the morning

To remove acidity, soak 4-5 black raisins overnight. Eat these in the morning on an empty stomach with 1 glass of water. If you want, you can also drink its water. Actually, alkaline properties are found in raisins, which balance the pH level in the body and help in controlling acidity.

Drink juice of raw potato (How to cure acidity at home)

To remove acidity, you should drink raw potato juice. This not only removes acidity but also provides relief from gas and bloating. Potato relieves problems related to digestion, neutralizes excess acid produced in the body and balances the pH.

Include curd in your diet

Curd is also effective in removing acidity. This removes acidity. Curd provides coolness to the stomach. The good bacteria found in it are very good for gut health and digestion. However, curd should not be eaten at night.

Tips to remove acidity

  • To remove acidity, it is most important that you eat food and drinks at the right time.
  • There should not be a long gap between meals.
  • Eat food when you are hungry and do not overeat when you are full.
  • Avoid eating fried, fried and spicy food from outside.
  • Include plenty of fibre in your diet.

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