In the summer season, people use coolers and air conditioners to get relief from the heat. In this news, we tell you a special thing related to the air conditioner (AC). The special thing about AC is that the temperature in it does not go below 16 degrees Celsius and above 30 degrees Celsius. The reason for not going above 30 degrees Celsius is that the air conditioner is designed for cold air. But why doesn't it go below 16°C? You must have also seen in the remote that the temperature of AC does not go below 16 degrees Celsius. Let us know what is the reason for this.

Why does the temperature not go below 16 degrees Celsius?
Due to the technology of air conditioners, the temperature does not go below 16 degrees Celsius. There is an evaporator in the AC, which is cooled with the help of coolant. Due to its cooling, AC gives cool air. If the temperature is set below 16 °C, the evaporator will freeze and malfunction.

The evaporator installed in an air conditioner (AC) is a special device. The dynamic process of gas in AC revolves around this device. The hot gas passes through the condenser and releases the heat into the outside air. After this the remaining gas cools and turns into liquid form. This liquid gas passes through the evaporator coil and vaporizes, eliminating heat from the atmosphere. After this cold air is available.

The pressure of cold air in the evaporator is low. In such a situation, if the temperature is reduced to a minimum, the cold air will turn into ice. After this, a question might be coming in your mind that ice freezes at zero, so what does it have to do with 16 degrees Celsius? Let us tell you that at zero the snow becomes solid like stone, but the process of freezing starts from the temperature of 16 degrees Celsius. So if the temperature goes below 16, the AC may break down. Therefore the temperature of AC does not go below 16.

(PC: Freepik)