Many times we have to change the name, address, or mobile number in Aadhaar Card. But do you know how many times you can change it?

Aadhaar Card is a very important document in today's time. If you do not have an Aadhaar card, then you can be deprived of many government schemes and other works. Many people think that once the Aadhaar card is made, it can be changed at any time. However, according to UIDAI rules, you cannot make frequent changes in it:

Change in aadhar card

You can change the date of birth, name, and address on the Aadhaar card. However, you cannot make changes in it again and again. UIDAI has set a limit for changes in it. Let us know how much money you will have to spend on the updation of your Aadhaar Card and how many times you can make changes in it.

Please tell that the registered mobile number is required for the change in the Aadhaar card. If you want to update your mobile number, then you have to visit Aadhaar Seva Kendra (ASK) or Aadhaar Enrollment Update Center. From there you will have to update the mobile number in it.

How much does it cost to update the Aadhaar details?

  • Compulsory Biometric Update Free
  • Rs 50 (GST) on demographic update
  • 100 (GST) on biometric update
  • 100 (GST) on biometric update with demographic update
  • Rs 30 (GST) on Aadhaar download and color printout on A4 sheet

How many times can I make changes to the Aadhaar card?

According to UIDAI, users can change their name on their Aadhaar card only twice. Talking about the date of birth, can be changed only once and gender details can also be changed only once.