Nowadays many types of diets are in trend to lose weight. Besides, people also prefer green tea for weight loss. Many people consume 3-4 cups of green tea a day, but is green tea effective for weight loss? Green tea is a good option for body detox but if experts are to be believed then instead of green tea for weight loss, you should drink some other tea. Yes, to reduce the increasing weight and stay healthy, experts recommend drinking 3 other healthy teas in place of Green Key. Dietician Simran Kaur is giving this information. Simran is a certified dietitian and nutritionist.

Moringa Tea

Moringa, whose pods are also called drumsticks or drumsticks, is considered good for weight loss. Moringa is rich in antibiotic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-viral, anti-ageing and anti-fungal properties. According to experts, its tea can help you a lot in weight loss. Its tea improves metabolism and also fulfils the deficiency of many vitamins and minerals in the body. You can easily lose weight by drinking this tea once a day.

Wheatgrass tea

Wheatgrass tea is also beneficial for weight loss. It boosts metabolism. It has very low calories and drinking it keeps you from feeling hungry for a long time, due to which you do not eat anything unhealthy and can easily lose weight. Its tea also detoxifies the body. You can make tea by boiling wheatgrass powder in water. Its juice is also beneficial.

Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass tea reduces fat rapidly. You can easily lose weight by drinking this. It contains citral which keeps digestion proper and removes stomach-related problems. This tea speeds up the process of fat burning and with its help can reduce belly fat and obesity.

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