Varicose veins are a problem related to veins. It is also called spider veins. In this problem, blue veins or clusters of veins become visible in the hands, feet, heels, ankles and toes. Although in many cases it does not cause any dangerous problems, sometimes it can become a cause of difficulty. In some people, varicose veins do not cause any problems for years. But it is not right to ignore this and a doctor's advice should be taken for this. Changes related to diet and lifestyles are also effective to a great extent in removing the problem of varicose veins. This can be reduced by including some special things in the diet. Dietitian Manpreet is giving information about this. Manpreet has done a Masters in Nutrition from Delhi University. She is a hormone and gut health coach.

Include fibre-rich foods in your diet

Fibre-rich foods are effective in improving digestion and reducing weight. At the same time, the body also gets essential nutrients from them. By including fibre-rich foods in your diet, you can get relief from digestion-related problems. This will reduce weight and help in managing the problem of varicose veins. Oats, apples and pulses can be beneficial for you.

Eat buckwheat flour

Almost all of us eat buckwheat flour during fasting. But do you know that it is rich in many essential nutrients? It contains iron, protein and carbs in abundance. Buckwheat flour contains rutin, which reduces stress during bowel movements.

Eat psyllium husk

Isabgol husk is effective in cleansing the stomach. It softens the stool and helps it pass easily. The problem of constipation harms the body and especially, it should be avoided in case of varicose veins. Therefore, take Isabol at bedtime.

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