Surya Grahan 2023: According to Hindi Panchang, Amavasya Tithi falls on the next day of Chaturdashi of Krishna Paksha every month. Thus Vaishakh Amavasya is on 20 April. On this day, the first solar eclipse of the year 2023 will take place. Amavasya Tithi takes place on Amavasya Tithi and Lunar Eclipse takes place on Purnima Tithi. In this way, the first solar eclipse will take place on Vaishakh Amavasya. There are two views regarding the eclipse. Eclipse is calculated under a science. Eclipse is calculated from the second religious point of view. There are three types of solar eclipse, which are total solar eclipse, partial solar eclipse, and annular solar eclipse respectively. It is a religious belief that Rahu and Ketu have negative effects at the time of the solar eclipse. Therefore, religious rituals and auspicious work are prohibited at the time of the eclipse. Especially pregnant women have to take special care of their health. Come, let's know everything about the solar eclipse-

Sutak time
According to astrologers, the period before the eclipse is called Sutak. The sutak period of a solar eclipse is more and the sutak period of a lunar eclipse is less. At the time of the solar eclipse, the sutak begins four hours earlier. One Prahar is for 3 hours. In this way, there are 12 hours of sutak in the solar eclipse. According to astrologers, this eclipse will not be visible in India. Due to the non-appearance of the eclipse, there will not even be a thread. For this there will be no restrictions during the solar eclipse. In simple words, people can live like normal days. The solar eclipse will start at 07:04 and end at 12:29.

Where will the solar eclipse be seen?
The solar eclipse on April 20 will be visible from the North West Cape, Western Australia, eastern parts of East Timor, and Asphalt Island. It will not be visible in India. In simple words, a solar eclipse is not happening in India. According to scientists, it is a hybrid eclipse. In simple language, hybrid is called hybrid eclipse.