Covid-19: The corona virus which has caused havoc all over the world has once again become a matter of concern in the country. For the last few days, there is a continuous increase in new cases of infection. In the midst of increasing cases of the corona, where the strictness has increased once again, people have again started taking special care of their health. To avoid any kind of infection, it is very important to have strong immunity.

If your immunity is strong, you can protect yourself from infection to a great extent. A strong immune system is extremely essential for maintaining good health and preventing infections and diseases. However, factors like poor lifestyle, lack of exercise, stress, and insufficient sleep can weaken our body's immunity. If you also want to make your immunity strong, then you can make these habits a part of your lifestyle.

Get enough sleep
Adequate sleep is extremely important for good health. Lack of sleep can be the cause of many problems. Not only this but due to lack of sleep, your immune system can also become weak. Several studies have shown that people who get less than six hours of sleep a night are more likely to catch a cold or flu than those who get seven or more hours of sleep. Good sleep re-energizes the body for the next day, which is essential for a better immune system.

Exercise regularly
Physical activities are also very important to stay healthy. If you want to strengthen your immune system, regular exercise is a great way to go. Exercising regularly improves blood flow throughout the body and also helps in increasing oxygen. In addition, regular exercise helps reduce stress, which has a positive effect on the immune system.

Eat healthy
A healthy diet is important for good health. A healthy diet also plays an important role in strengthening the immune system. If you want to strengthen your immunity, then consuming fruits, vegetables, meat and beans will be beneficial for this. The vitamins, minerals and proteins present in these food items will be helpful in boosting immunity.

Manage stress
Stress can also have an adverse effect on our immune system. Actually, due to stress, cortisol is produced in the body, due to which our immune response can be reduced. In such a situation, to strengthen immunity, it is very important that you manage your stress. You can take the help of meditation, exercise and yoga to manage your stress.