There’s some unfortunate news regarding Rashmika Mandanna, the beloved heroine from the hit film Pushpa. Rashmika, who has been making waves in the film industry with her recent successes, has reportedly sustained an injury. This has led to the suspension of the shooting for her upcoming film Sikandar.

Injury Details and Recovery The injury occurred while Rashmika was at the gym, and doctors have advised her to rest to ensure a full recovery. Though the news has raised concerns among her fans, sources close to the actress have stated that she is on the mend and feeling much better. Rashmika herself has not yet provided an official update on her condition.

Impact on Upcoming Projects Rashmika Mandanna's injury has caused a temporary halt in her shooting schedule, including for Sikandar, where she stars alongside Bollywood superstar Salman Khan for the first time. The delay in the shooting is expected to affect the production timeline, but sources suggest that the actress will be back on set soon.

Rashmika's Recent Successes Despite this setback, Rashmika’s fanbase remains supportive, and her previous films, including Pushpa and Animal, have been huge hits. Pushpa 2 recently added another success to her career, solidifying her place as one of the industry’s most popular actresses. Fans are eagerly awaiting her return to the screen and wish her a speedy recovery.