Marriage is considered a sacred bond in India and many other countries. When it comes to marriage, most people are excited about the rituals that take place at the time of marriage, but some people get irritated by them. If on hearing the name of marriage, thoughts of strange rituals and customs also come into your mind, then after reading what we are going to tell you, you will be a little more nervous. Yes, there are many strange and poor traditions related to marriage all over the world which surprise everyone. There are many countries where there are very strange laws related to marriage. Let's know about them...

Saudi Arab
Saudi Arabia has banned its male citizens from marrying women from 4 countries namely Pakistan, Bangladesh, Chad, and Myanmar. According to a report, this announcement has been made so that Saudi Arabian men can be prevented from marrying expatriate and exiled women.

As powerful a country as America is, its law is as strange as it is. According to US law, if you are in the Armed Forces, you have the right to do a proxy marriage. This means that if either the bride or groom is not present during the wedding, then a relative or friend of theirs does the proxy and you get married to that person. In Montana, America, there is no need for the bride and groom to be present. It is called double proxy over there.

This is the height of love that even death cannot separate us. You must have heard this dialogue. But this is not always necessary. France believes more in the power of love. That's why a law was made there to marry a dead person. This is called posthumous marriage. This practice started during World War 1, in which women were married to dead soldiers. But it was used for the first time in 1950 when a woman's husband died due to a dam breach. This woman was allowed to marry after death.

In Kyrgyzstan, there is a surprising tradition regarding marriage, which is still prevalent in the society here. Before marriage, the boy rapes his future wife. After raping, that person becomes the husband of the girl. This terrible custom has been banned by the Government of Kyrgyzstan, yet this practice is prevalent in the society.

Japan has a culture of respecting elders from the beginning. According to a law here, during the marriage, the elder brother can ask for the hand of the bride of his younger brother. The consent of both of them is necessary for marriage.

While outdoor marriage is very popular around the world, it is not possible in England and Wales. This is because according to a rule here, marriage cannot be held under the open sky, but it is possible only in a place that has a roof over it. This rule was made because the solemnization of a marriage in the UK depends on the building. Be it a place of worship or a hotel or house where marriages are registered.

To get married in the country of Monaco, two conditions have to be fulfilled. First, you have to print an advertisement about your marriage or you have to tell everyone verbally. After this, you will have to go to the district office, where you will have to paste a note on the gate of the office, on which it will be written that you have married that person. Everyone knows about this. After about 10 days if that note is stuck on the door, it means you can go on honeymoon. In Monaco, it means a declaration of being officially married.

(PC: Lifeberrys)