Death Valley is a desert located in Eastern California. It is the hottest, driest, and wettest place in North America. The composition and temperature of California's Death Valley have always puzzled geologists. But the even more surprising thing is the sliding stones themselves, which are also known as sailing stones. Stones weighing up to 320 kg have been seen shifted in the racetrack area here.

The spontaneous sliding of some stones in California's Death Valley remains a puzzle even for NASA. Racetrack Playa is perfectly flat 2.5 miles north to south and 1.25 miles east to west. But the stones scattered here keep sliding on their own. There are more than 150 such stones here. However, no one saw them slipping away from the eyes.

In winter, these stones are found to be moved to a distance of more than 250 meters. In 1972, a team of scientists was formed to solve this mystery. The team named a group of stones and studied them for seven years. The approximately 317 kg stone named Kerin did not move at all during the study. But when the scientists returned a few years later, they found Kerin 1 kilometer away. Now scientists believe that this happens due to high-speed winds.

Other scientists believe that the reason for this amazing activity of these stones can be the special weather conditions. Research done in this regard suggests that winds running at a speed of 90 miles per hour in the desert, snow that freezes at night, and a thin layer of wet soil above the surface, all of these must be moving the stones.