Many people set out to travel abroad to fulfill their desire to travel. For this, they plan for different countries. During this time, you also have to follow the rules of the country you are going to. Generally, the laws of every country are common, but today in this episode we are going to tell you about some countries whose laws are so unique that you will be surprised. If you do not follow these laws, you may have to pay heavy fines. Let us know about these unique and strange laws of the world.

As beautiful as Switzerland is, the rules here are equally strange, which are very important for every local person and tourist coming here to follow. Have you ever heard that flushing after 10 p.m. is completely banned, haven't you? You may start laughing after knowing this, but it is true, this thing bothers many people in Switzerland a lot. So, if you are going to Switzerland, you can follow the mantra of sleeping early and waking up early.

On one hand, protests are going on in Iran against the law requiring women to wear hijab and cover their faces completely. On the other hand, there is a country where covering the face is illegal. It is illegal to wear face coverings in public in Denmark. Given public safety, the Parliament of the country approved this law in 2018.

Sri Lanka
Usually, whenever we go to some place, we take selfies again and again. But in Sri Lanka, laws have also been made against taking selfies. Any kind of abuse towards Buddhist statues and artifacts is completely prohibited here. In particular, taking selfies with your back towards the Buddha statue is prohibited in this country, as it is considered disrespectful here.

Tourists in Greece are prohibited from wearing shoes that could damage the monuments. Experts in Greek prehistoric and classical antiquities believe that high heels can cause holes in historical sites or monuments because of the pressure of the entire body on the heels.

There is a law to change bulbs in Victoria, Australia. Generally speaking, we do small work like changing a bulb in our homes ourselves. But in Victoria, Australia, only a trained electrician is called to change the bulb. Failure to do so may result in a fine of up to 10 Australian dollars.

We all like to stay in a cool place in a hot and humid place. In such a situation, heat and humidity are seen the most in Thailand, but if you are driving here with your shirt off, then let us tell you, this thing is considered objectionable here.

You will be surprised to know that being fat is illegal in Japan. According to the 2009 law, the waist size of women and men in Japan has been fixed. Japanese law states that the waist size of women should not exceed 35 inches and that of men should not exceed 31 inches.

Chewing gums were banned in Singapore in 1992, but eating them is not illegal. Some amendments were made to this ban in 2004. Since then you can buy dental, therapeutic and nicotine chewing gums from a doctor or pharmacist. The ban was imposed because miscreants started sticking chewing gum on train door sensors, mailboxes, inside keyholes, lift buttons, staircases, and wherever cleaning was difficult.

In Thailand, a law has also been made regarding how you keep money with you. You are not allowed to step on money here. Pictures of the country's royal family are printed in Thai currency. In such a situation, it is believed that if people step on money, it tarnishes the image of the royal family. Doing so is against the law and there is a provision for punishment for doing so.

In Germany, to prevent incidents like accidents, a law was made to never run out of petrol in the vehicle. Due to running out of petrol, the car has to be pushed, this distracts the attention of other drivers and The possibility of an accident increases. In Germany, pulling a vehicle as well as walking is considered illegal.

(PC: Lifeberrys)