Everyone likes to travel, but they also shy away due to the fear of spending too much. So why not make it budget-friendly by adopting some tricks and tips? Nikita, a resident of Delhi, loves traveling to new places. They believe that it is better to go and see a place once rather than hearing about it from others all your life! But whenever she goes out with friends or family, she doesn't realize when and how much she spends on fun. Due to the fear of excessive expenditure, Nikita has now started shying away from traveling and making plans to visit places nearby only, which she does not enjoy at all. Are you also struggling with this problem? But by showing a little wisdom, you can make your journey budget-friendly and enjoy not just one but many journeys.

Avoid paying extra fees
The journey often starts late, because till the end you keep thinking about whether to go or not. Because of this, you book the ticket only at the end, and the fee increases. This may seem like a small amount to you, but wasteful expenditure starts from here. So avoid it if possible.

Cheap places
We are unaware of the place where we go to visit. Because of this, people go to expensive hotels and restaurants and spend more money. So whenever you travel, plan first. Try to find out about cheap places nearby on the internet and from local people.

Local transportation
During travel, the biggest expense is in commuting, so try to use public transport as much as possible. Get information in advance about public transportation in the place you plan to visit and use it. By doing this you will be able to closely see the lifestyle of the common people there.

Local events
Many towns and cities have music and cultural events at very low cost or even for free. During your visit, you can enjoy their programs with the common people there and bring back unforgettable memories.

Food items
Food and drinks are quite expensive at tourist places. Many times it is not only expensive but also does not taste good. Therefore, carry some food items with you, which will fill your stomach and keep your budget under control.

Avoid shopping
It is natural for you to be attracted to new things, but try not to shop while traveling. It is still okay to buy some antique things from that place, but you can buy clothes and jewelry from anywhere at cheap prices. In such places, similar goods are expensive, so get information before buying.

By making a budget
Make a budget before you go on any trip. In this budget, you have to spend on places to visit, hotels to stay, food and drinks, and other things. Most people make bookings from hotel to dinner before traveling to any other place. This is not only wasteful, but it also affects your budget.

(PC: iStock)