If you are a travel lover, then you will like travelling by train. If seen, the train is considered to be the most convenient means for low-budget travelers. But what if you can travel to 3 countries on the same train?
You might be surprised to hear this, but it is possible. There are some trains which give you a chance to see the sights of 3 countries simultaneously. With these, you can travel across three countries i.e. thousands of miles.
By which train can you travel to three countries?
The famous train by the name of Trans-Siberian Railway Network will take you to 3 countries covering a total distance of 10,214 km. This train goes from the Russian capital Moscow to the eastern city of Vladivostok.
It is said to be the world's largest rail journey. Because such a long journey is not done by train in any country. Also, you will be surprised to know that this train completes such a long journey in 7 days, 20 hours and 25 minutes.
History of this train
The train plays an important role in the history of transportation. The construction of this train started in 1891. It took a total of 25 years to complete and was completed in 1916.
Travel to these 3 countries
This train passes through 3 countries, which include Moscow - Vladivostok, Moscow - Ulaanbaatar, and Moscow - Beijing. There are 18 stations on its way. While travelling in this, you have to decide in advance where you have to get down.
Then you will have to take a visa according to the route. Suppose you are starting your journey from Russia and you want to go to China, for this, you will have to buy a visa for Russia and China. Additionally, tickets can be purchased at Moscow railway stations or online.
Trans-Siberian Railway Tickets
The price of a 3rd class ticket from Moscow to Vladivostok is $175 i.e. Rs 13,982 in Indian terms. This is the price of the first class i.e. first route.
After this, the ticket price for the second route is $213 i.e. Rs 17018. Also, on the train you get air conditioning, a restaurant, a bed, electricity, a bar, an in-seat sound system etc. A private luxury room is also available.
Image Credit- Insta, Freepik