After all, how can people in any country hire someone to wipe tears? You may feel strange hearing this but it is true.

After knowing this, you might also be wondering whether people in that country have a lot of money that is why they hire people just to wipe tears.

Why are people hired here to wipe tears?

Actually, in Japan, people hire handsome boys to wipe tears. But this does not happen in every house in Japan. It is made only by a company in Japan. A company named IkemosoDanshi based in Tokyo hires people.

These companies hire people to make employees cry, then the employees watch sad movies, then when they feel sad and tear up, a handsome boy wipes their tears.

What is the reason?

He believes that doing this helps in connecting people. Because Japanese people are not used to crying in front, once you cry in front of others, the atmosphere will change, especially in business.

What is the purpose?

The company's purpose in doing this is to showcase its weakness so that when other people see it, they feel bad and are less able to work together. The purpose of doing this is to bring people together so that they can work better as a team.

Company founder Hiroki Terai decided to establish a crying business in 2013. It started with workshops open to all in Tokyo.

He believes that when he started this work, people used to come and cry together. When he cried, he used to say that he was feeling very good now.

The perception of crying men was that people thought they were crying or weak, but that's not the case.

What kind of movies does the company show?

Most of the films they feature focus on sick pets or father-daughter relationships, which appeal to women. It is the only company in Japan that has arranged for such work.

Image Credit- Freepik