If you have ever travelled on these roads, then you must be well aware of these roads. Because travelling on these roads is not free from danger. If you drive fast on these roads, it is difficult for you to survive.

This is because your car will not hit any tree, rather you will fall straight into a big ditch. Travelling on these roads is easy only for those who live here and have to pass through it daily.

See how many of these roads you have travelled.

Sela Pass

This road of Arunachal Pradesh connects Tawang and Guwahati. It is considered to be one of the highest motorable mountain passes in the world.

These roads become more slippery due to turns and snow. It is very difficult to control your car on such a snow-filled road because the tires of your car automatically keep slipping due to snow.

Therefore, drivers should be careful while driving on this road.

Neral-Matheran Road

This road of Maharashtra connects Matheran and Neral. This road is also very dangerous. Looking at the pictures this road must be looking very smooth.

It is clean and smooth, but its turns are quite dangerous. Every turn here is dangerous, this road is like a steep staircase, and one has to drive very carefully on it.

Rohtang Pass

This is the route between Leh-Manali. Apart from this, if you want to go to Spiti then you will have to take the help of this road. It becomes extremely dangerous due to ice.

Apart from this, there is a danger of the mountains collapsing here at any time. If you do not live here, you should book a driver instead of driving yourself here.

Kinnaur Road

This road has taken the lives of many people so far. Because rocks fall here, apart from this, many incidents like a collision of cars on big sharp turns have also happened.

Kilar-Kishtwar Road

You can feel the terror at this road turn in Himachal Pradesh only by seeing it from a distance. Because there is no railing on the road, it is a narrow road above. Therefore, it becomes difficult to ride a bike in some places. Many times people try to overtake, which leads to accidents.

This road between Pangong Lake and Leh City remains covered with snow for most of the year. Also, due to its high altitude, breathing problems while driving here are not uncommon. With dangerous roads, it is quite possible to lose control of the vehicle due to breathing problems.

Joji la

This is the road between Ladakh and Kashmir. There are many elements of fear on this road. Firstly, the road is quite narrow. It remains slippery due to monsoon mud and landslides – overall, it is one of the most dangerous roads in the country.

Chang la

KishtwarKailash Highway

This road in Jammu is so narrow that at some places even four-wheelers can hardly pass. Even the drivers living here shy away from driving on this dangerous road.

Image Credit- Freepik