UP News: In Uttar Pradesh's Agra, a woman inspector was caught red-handed with her lover. After this, both of them were beaten up badly. The woman inspector is in charge of a police station in the city zone of Agra and her lover is also a police inspector.
UP News: In Uttar Pradesh's Agra, a woman inspector was caught red-handed with her lover. After this, both of them were beaten up badly. The woman inspector is in charge of a police station in the city zone of Agra and her lover is also a police inspector. The incident took place near the government residence behind the police station, where high voltage drama continued for a long time. Police reached the spot as soon as they got the information and took the people involved in the fight into custody. An FIR was registered against them and the woman inspector was suspended.
Caught having fun with a woman inspector
Behind the Rakabganj police station, there are government police quarters, where the police station in-charge Shaili Rana lives. More than half a dozen people reached her house on Saturday afternoon. When the door was opened, Shaili Rana and a police inspector named Pawan Kumar were present in the room. People beat both of them fiercely, which created a ruckus there. Hearing the noise, a crowd of people gathered there.
The inspector came by lying
Policemen from the police station also reached the spot. The police tried to convince the people fighting, but they did not listen and kept on beating the two inspectors. This high voltage drama continued for a long time.
A case was filed against the assailants
The people who assaulted him were Inspector Pawan Kumar's in-laws, including his son and wife. His wife said that Pawan had lied to his family. He is posted in Muzaffarnagar and had come to Agra saying that he was going to Prayagraj. The video of the incident has gone viral on social media.
उत्तर प्रदेश : आगरा में महिला इंस्पेक्टर शैली राणा से मारपीट का मामला। महिला इंस्पेक्टर ने पुरुष इंस्पेक्टर पवन चौधरी की पत्नी सहित 6 फैमिली वालों पर मारपीट की FIR कराई। महिला इंस्पेक्टर को छुड़ाने की बजाय "तमाशा" देखने पर 8 पुलिसकर्मी लाइन हाजिर किए गए। pic.twitter.com/hp4Nak350F— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) August 4, 2024
ACP Sadar Sukanya Sharma said that Inspector Pawan Kumar is posted in Muzaffarnagar and he had come to Agra to meet his female friend Shaili Rana. The police have registered a case against the people who assaulted him and have suspended the woman inspector Shaili Rana, in-charge of Rakabganj police station.