Internet Desk. A strange incident has come to light in Almaspur, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, which has stunned everyone after seeing and hearing it. Yes, whoever saw this incident with his own eyes was completely stunned and was not in a position to say anything. By the way, the video of this incident is also going viral on social media. The video is being told of Almaspur intersection of Muzaffarnagar where two women fight in the middle of the intersection and tear each other's clothes and make them naked.
What is the matter
According to the information, there was a dispute between two parties at Almaspur intersection of Muzaffarnagar and this dispute increased so much that women also started fighting. 2 women tore each other's clothes in the middle of the road and made them naked. Now a case has been registered in this matter in Nai Mandi police station area. People also made a video of this incident which is going viral on social media.
Going viral on social media
According to media reports, this video has been shared by a user on social media. In this video, two women are scratching each other on the road and their clothes are torn, the clothes on the body come off completely, meanwhile two women come and cover them with a towel. Some men also come and cover them with clothes.
Pc- Asianetnews.Com