As soon as it is 3:30 in the afternoon, suddenly a message arrives on 3 thousand pagers simultaneously. And along with this mysterious message, the sound of beeps starts coming. Then as soon as the beeps go silent, there is a sudden explosion. Three thousand explosions simultaneously. Perhaps never before in the world have there been such a large number of explosions, in such a large area, and on such a large scale simultaneously.

Beirut: If the corona of 2020 was a conspiracy and the corona virus was used as a bio - weapon , then it was the biggest conspiracy of this century. But if it was not so , then believe me that whatever happened on the afternoon of 17 September in different cities of Lebanon and some areas of Syria was the biggest attack of this century and the biggest and unique conspiracy. A conspiracy .. in which bombs were handed over to 3 thousand people at once , which people kept in their pockets , around their waists or in their hands as per their wish . In the form of a pager. After this, as soon as it is 3:30 in the afternoon , suddenly a message comes on those 3 thousand pagers simultaneously. And with this one mysterious message, the sound of beeps starts coming. Then as soon as the sound of the beeps becomes silent , suddenly there is an explosion. Three thousand explosions simultaneously. Rarely before in the world have such a large number of explosions taken place in such a large area. There is hardly any market , shop , mall , house , office , road or locality in about half a dozen cities of Lebanon where these explosions have not taken place. Because in different areas of different cities , 3 thousand people were roaming around unknowingly carrying bombs in the form of pagers.

After the blasts, the name of Mossad was on everyone's lips

On the other hand , this blast takes place in Lebanon , and suddenly the name of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad starts floating on the tongue and minds of everyone in the world. Only Mossad could have hatched such a precise and dangerous conspiracy like in a sci-fi or spy movie. Such a conspiracy of serial blasts that no one could have even thought of before the afternoon of 17 September. No one could have even thought that in the age of mobiles, someone could convert a pager into a bomb. But the thing to think about here was that the pager which had been eaten up by mobiles by the year 2000 , the pager which had become a forgotten memory , the pager which the world had stopped using , why was the same pager in the hands or pockets of three thousand people in Lebanon at the same time ? So the story of this pager bomb begins from here.

When mobile became a threat, Hezbollah seized the pager. This incident is of 13th February

this year . Hezbollah's Secretary General Hassan Nasrullah had warned all the members of Hezbollah on TV. The warning was that every member of Hezbollah should either break his mobile phone , bury it or keep it in an iron box and lock it. Nasrullah had asked to keep this distance from mobile because he had received the news that Mossad was finding out the location of Hezbollah's big targets through mobile and attacking them through drones. And in this attack many members and commanders of Hezbollah were killed. Actually, under the new technology, today anyone's current or live location can be easily found through mobile. Like the police of our country also finds out the presence of a criminal at the crime scene through the location of his mobile. That is, overall mobile is such a weapon that can make all your secrets public. And that is why Nasrullah had asked every member and commander of Hezbollah to break their mobile phones and throw them away or bury them , so that Mossad cannot reach them through the mobile phones.

Hezbollah found a solution to the mobile phone

But the problem was that if mobiles were not used, how would Hezbollah's top leadership and common members communicate with each other or send messages to each other ? So, as a solution to this problem, the pager, which came in the 90s and has now disappeared, was chosen. The reason for choosing the pager was that unlike mobiles, it does not operate from any satellite. It works almost the same way as the police use a wireless set. That is, as a radio receiver. Just like a mobile has a phone number , a pager also has a number. The other person holding the pager sends a message or message to it on that number. In the form of text. There is a small screen on the pager. This text appears on the same screen. Just like when the mobile rings , we come to know that someone is calling , similarly whenever a message comes on the pager , a beep sound comes along with it. By hearing the beep sound, it is known that a new message has come. That is why many people also call the pager a beeper. That is, the biggest advantage of this pager is that due to the radio receiver, the location of the pager cannot be traced.

Mossad infiltrated Hezbollah

To avoid Mossad, Hezbollah found the best way to pass messages in the group through pager. After this, in March this year, Hezbollah ordered three thousand pagers from Taiwan's Gold Apollo Company, the world's leading company that makes pagers. According to the news, Mossad has also infiltrated Hezbollah. And because of that infiltrator, first Mossad and then the Israeli military got the news of the order of such a large number of pagers. Mossad understood that Hezbollah is now going to use pagers instead of mobiles. And from here Mossad started its planning.

3000 mini bombs fitted in 3000 pagers The pagers which were to be

sent to Lebanon were of AP924 model . While assembling the parts of the pager, Mossad fitted about 30 grams of PETN explosive next to the battery of the pager. Like a mobile, a pager also has a battery. Usually double A or triple A battery is used in pagers. Whereas the new pagers that are coming use lithium batteries . When the lithium battery gets too hot during charging , many times smoke comes out of it or it explodes. Mossad took advantage of this. It fitted PETN explosive right next to this battery. But this explosive attached to the battery could explode only when it was activated . Mossad found a solution to this also. It fitted a program in the pager and connected it to a code message. This means that as soon as those coded messages reached these 3000 pagers , a beep sound would come from the pager , the battery would heat up and then the PETN would explode. The bomb was ready, just waiting for the right moment . After all these preparations, all these pagers reached Lebanon via Europe in April and May this year. After reaching Lebanon, these 3000 pagers were distributed among the people of Hezbollah. Some pagers also came to the people of Hezbollah in Syria and Iran. With the arrival of pagers, Hezbollah was now using them to send and receive messages. Mossad was constantly keeping an eye on them. Mossad had now also received the information that 3000 pagers had reached 3000 hands of Hezbollah. Now Mossad just had to send a message. For this, the date and time had already been chosen. The time was kept when the pagers are used the most.

The secret message brought the knock of death and that date and time was 17th September , 3:30 in the afternoon . The same mysterious message came simultaneously on three thousand pagers , along with the message the pager started beeping and then with the same beep three thousand blasts occurred simultaneously in different cities of Lebanon. In these blasts around 2700 people of Hezbollah were injured . Out of which 11 have died till now. The Iranian ambassador present in Lebanon was also probably with some member or chief of Hezbollah at that time. Because the Iranian ambassador is also among those injured in the pager blast. Actually when the blast occurred ,

At that time two bodyguards were standing near Ambassador Amani. Perhaps one of them had that pager. When the explosion happened in the pager, after the beep sounded, one of the bodyguards was trying to read the message on the pager. Amani was standing in front. He suffered head and face injuries due to the explosion. According to reports, one of his eyes got damaged in this explosion.

Name from Taiwan, pager was made in Europe

After this explosion, when fingers were pointed towards Taiwan Gold Apollo Company, which made the pager , the company also gave a clarification in a hurry. The company says that although their company had received the order for this pager , but this pager was made in Budapest, the capital of the European country Hungary. According to the company, the company based in Budapest had made an agreement with the Taiwan company a few years ago. It used to make the pager , but used the brand Gold Apollo only. The Taiwanese company also said in its clarification that a total of 2.6 lakh pagers were sent outside Taiwan from January 2022 to August 2024 in the name of Gold Apollo. But all these pagers went to America and Australia. No pager of model number -- AP 924 was sent to Lebanon or the Middle East. The message of the explosion was activated after seeing the opportunity, that is, according to the claim of the Taiwanese company, whatever tampering happened with the pager, it happened in Budapest and not Taiwan. According to sources, being a European country, Mossad has a good hold in Budapest or Hungary. It was easier for them to tamper with the pager in Budapest than in Taiwan. But the question here is that why did the same Hezbollah, due to fear of Mossad, break or bury the mobile , never investigate that pager after ordering such a large number of pagers ? So according to the news coming from Lebanon, after pagers were distributed among Hezbollah in April-May, a Hezbollah commander had some doubts about the pager. He was also investigating it. But this news reached Mossad. It is said that that commander died some time ago. It is suspected that Mossad itself killed him. After this, no one ever expressed any doubt about the pager. Mossad also remained silent for about three to four months after the pager came into use. So that no one would suspect. Then, on finding the right opportunity, it activated the message of the explosion. What would have happened if the explosion had been bigger than this? Since the pager is usually in the pocket or hung on the waist belt or in the hands to read the message, that is why when this explosion occurred , most of the people got injuries in the waist and lower part of the waist, stomach , neck , face and head. Despite having pager bombs, many Hezbollah men survived because they either did not have the pager with them , it was on charging , or it was kept on the table.

When these series of blasts happened at 3:30 pm on 17th September, initially no one could understand what was happening . There were blasts but they were not that strong. Only two to four people standing around the pager were getting affected by the blasts. Now just imagine what would have happened if the explosives were more powerful or more. Lebanon targets Israel After the pager blast, Lebanon, Iran and Syria have directly blamed Mossad and Israeli military for it. However, Israel is still silent about these blasts. But these blasts have created a new and much bigger threat in front of the world. And that threat is of mobile. At present, the total population of the whole world is about 8 billion. And out of these 8 billion people, about 90 percent i.e. more than 7 billion people are using mobile. That means, in principle, every person has a mobile in his hand. Now just think how many lives can agencies like Mossad or any country in the world take with just one message or one call if they want to destroy their enemy country. That is, understand it this way that every hand has a bomb and not a mobile. However, according to experts, hacking a mobile is not as easy as hacking a pager.