Doctors told that the child vomited for 2 days, so the family members thought that it must have happened due to some stomach infection. But he was shocked and scared when the doctors said that the child was suffering from a rare disease.Parents are like gods to children. From taking care of them, countless such things give evidence of this. After parents, doctors and teachers are counted as Gods or angels. One such case has come to the fore in Chennai where everyone contributed to saving the life of a four-year-old child.

successful small intestine transplantChennai's Rela Hospital has entered the Asia Book of Records by successfully performing small intestine transplant surgery on a four-year-old boy from Bangalore. Doctors claim that for the first time in Asia such a surgery has been done for such a young child.

Father's share

According to doctors, the father of the child donated one hundred and fifty centimeters of his small intestine to save the son's life and make his life easier. After this successful surgery, both father and child are completely healthy. Now, this father-son story is slowly trending all over the country.

complicated surgeryThe transplant of the intestine of such a small child was not easy. It was a very complicated surgery. Which was completed comfortably by the team of doctors with full patience and dedication. On the successful completion of this surgery which lasted for seven hours, a new record was made and everyone was respected during a program. Where the chairman and managing director of the hospital, Prof. Mohd. Rela, Health Minister M. Subramaniam, and Health Secretary Dr. J. Radhakrishnan were also present.

rare disease treatment

Doctors told that this child had been vomiting for two days, so the father thought that it must have happened due to a stomach infection. But he was surprised when doctors told him that the child was suffering from a rare disease called volvulus. If it is not treated at the right time, it can be life-threatening.

In fact, in this disease, the supply of blood to the intestines stops. Therefore, in this case, it was decided to do emergency surgery immediately. In the investigation, the surgeons also came to know that the loop of the child's intestines has completely melted, which will have to be removed as soon as possible.