A shocking incident has come to light from Rajasthan, where a son has been accused of raping his own mother in Bundi. Police said on Wednesday that the crime took place when the 28-year-old son was drunk.


After the incident, his 52-year-old mother lodged a complaint with the police along with her younger son. After the mother's complaint, the police took prompt action and arrested the accused son.

During interrogation, the son confessed to the crime and admitted that he committed this heinous act in intoxication. He revealed that they were returning home from his maternal uncle's house and seeing a deserted place, he raped his mother.

According to the police report, the mother told that at around 6 pm, her son insisted that she come home with him and although the mother refused at first, he forced her to come along.

After this, the accused left for home on foot with the mother. On the way, he committed this crime with the mother. During this, the mother pleaded with folded hands to the son, pleaded that she was his mother, but the beast did not listen to her.

On reaching home, the mother told her family about this horrific incident, which shocked everyone. DSP Tarun Kant Somani confirmed the arrest of the son and said that the case is being thoroughly investigated. The son has been produced in the court and is now in judicial custody. The local community is in shock due to this horrific incident.